
Chad Chelius and Dax Castro during an Accessibility Podcast with the Chax Chat Logo between them.

Canva Consideration for Accessibility and Block/Inline levels for MS Word

There are so many good nuggets of info in this podcast on tables! If you struggle with accessible tables, you cannot miss this episode. I think the biggest takeaway was when we go over the process of table self-discovery. Do not forget to listen to the end for the 50% off ONE DAY (TODAY) ONLY promo code for our Accessible Tables class that happens this Wednesday!

Chad Chelius and Dax Castro during an Accessibility Podcast with the Chax Chat Logo between them.

Building tables with accessibility in mind

There are so many good nuggets of info in this podcast on tables! If you struggle with accessible tables, you cannot miss this episode. I think the biggest takeaway was when we go over the process of table self-discovery. Do not forget to listen to the end for the 50% off ONE DAY (TODAY) ONLY promo code for our Accessible Tables class that happens this Wednesday!

Chad Chelius and Dax Castro during an Accessibility Podcast with the Chax Chat Logo between them.

Interview: Large Healthcare org reveals their accessibility journey

Senior Creative Manager Jason Wennet from a large healthcare organization shares the challenges of balancing accessibility and workload in his department. He talks about their initial journey, understanding the gaps, and how his team is leveraging accessibility Subject Matter Experts to bring their designs across the accessibility finish line.

Chad Chelius and Dax Castro during an Accessibility Podcast with the Chax Chat Logo between them.

Unique Struggles of Document Accessibility Amidst the COVID Pandemic

Listen to this week’s podcast to learn how to breakdown where you are now and how to get better in 2022. See Dax and Chads 10 Accessibility Areas of Growth and score yourself from 1 to 10 in each of these areas to know where you need to grow in 2022. Then develop a game plan to improve in those areas and re-evaluate yourself every 3 months to keep accountable.

Chad Chelius and Dax Castro during an Accessibility Podcast with the Chax Chat Logo between them.

How to Automate Alt-text Descriptions for Quicker Accessibility

Chad and Dax talk about ways to speed up alt-text description input. Learn some new ways to embed alt-text into your images and figures to shorten the process of creating accessible documents.

Topics include:
• Automating Alt-text
• How to make writing Alt-text easier
• Storing Alt-text in Meta Data
• Creating Alt-text in bulk
• Alt-text Object Styles for InDesign
• Alt-text Headline, Title and Description
• Three ways to set Meta Data
• Importing Accessible Styles
• Setting default styles for every document